Evans Mills, NY Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Evans Mills

Evans Mills, New York is a small village located in Jefferson County. It has a population of around 5,000 people and is known for its close proximity to Fort Drum, a major Army installation. The cost of living in Evans Mills is slightly higher than the national average, but the village offers a small-town atmosphere with easy access to larger cities like Syracuse and Watertown.

According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, Evans Mills is a popular choice for families and military personnel stationed at Fort Drum. Many reviewers praise the village for its friendly community and convenient location. User "Samantha B." states, "Evans Mills is a great place to raise a family. The people are welcoming and the schools are excellent." Another user, "John D.", mentions the support and camaraderie among military families in the area, saying, "With Fort Drum nearby, there is a strong military community and everyone looks out for each other."

However, some reviewers mention concerns about the cost of living and job opportunities in Evans Mills. User "Sarah H." notes, "The cost of living is a bit higher than I expected and job options are limited." Another user, "Mark R.", echoes this sentiment, stating, "It can be tough to find employment in this area, especially if you are not affiliated with the military."

Despite these concerns, many users still highly recommend living in Evans Mills for its small-town charm and access to outdoor activities. User "Lisa M." shares, "I love living in Evans Mills because it's a close-knit community with plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities. We can easily go hiking, fishing, and skiing nearby." Overall, it seems that Evans Mills offers a unique blend of small-town living and access to bigger city amenities, making it a desirable place to call home.

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